
Do you have questions about near-Earth asteroids, NEO surveying, the Catalina Sky Survey, asteroid science, or comets? We invite you to visit our CSS FAQ page which lists numerous responses to some of the most commonly asked questions.

Still curious, and cannot find answers on the FAQ page? You may also pose questions to CSS observers through our ‘Ask an Asteroid Hunter’ service.

For more regular up-to-date news and education on CSS discoveries and asteroid science, we’re sure you’ll want to tune into Dr. Al Grauer’s ‘Travelers in the Night’ podcast series. Dr. Grauer is a senior CSS observer and regularly posts new stories.

CSS’s host organization, the University of Arizona’s Lunar & Planetary Laboratory (LPL) provides another source of information through its LPL outreach activities. We also invite you to immerse yourself into the exciting world of the OSIRIS-Rex asteroid sample return mission, for which LPL is the lead-institution.

While CSS does not provide tours of its facilities, if you’re wanting a night-time skywatching experience, we highly recommend a Mt Lemmon Sky Center tour, operated by the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory. Their public viewing telescope is located at 9150 feet elevation atop Mt Lemmon in the Catalina mountains outside of Tucson (and adjacent to one of our asteroid survey telescopes).